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Once seen as a top-10 small forward, Parsons was the supposed to be the piece for one last push with the “Core 4” and the third wheel next to Mike Conley and Marc Gasol. Then there’s Chandler Parsons, the most infamous of the 3.

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He was simply a lackluster addition, as his wild inconsistency prevented him from filling Rudy Gay’s shoes. Then, the Grizzlies traded for Jeff Green, who was seen as the “missing piece” to title contention - an erroneous decision that surpriseda front offices up until the summer of 2016. He was a two-way complementary piece next to the “Core 4.” However, his age and inability to space the floor prevented the Grizzlies from catapulting to “title-contender” status.

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Tayshaun Prince was essentially a short-term solution at the small forward position. For years, the Memphis Grizzlies have tried to right the wrong of the Rudy Gay trade.

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